November 17, 2009

  • US Govt: Mind your own business

    The US government has struck again. The news said this morning that the government is no longer recommending women get annual mammograms beginning at age 40. Now it's bumped up to 50, and they are recommending every two years. On top of that, the most HORRIBLE news to me, is that they are now trying to say that self breast exams are worthless. The government beaureacrats claim that all SBEs do is encourage unneccessary biopsies.

    EXCUSE ME????

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 35. I found a lump in my breast during one of those worthless self breast exams. I have encouraged other women to do their monthly routine SBE ever since. Had it not been for that silly little self breast exam, I might not have a breast. I might not even be alive. Because of that self breast exam, my cancer was caught extremely early, and I was able to have a lumpectomy instead of a mastectomy.

    On top of that, I know of at least 3 other people within a 25-mile radius right here in rural Iowa that are also alive and well, breast in tact (well, mostly in tact considering we had to have a chunk of it cut out) because of a routine monthly self breast exam. Two of these women, like me, were also UNDER the age of 40 when the lump was discovered. The other lady was under 50.

    I see this as a precursory move by the government to cut health care expenses before universal health care takes effect. The government needs to mind their own stinkin' business!!!

Comments (1)

  • your government is just like ours. Always making changes to save money at the same time as claiming that ONLY they know what is good for OUR health

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